
                         Our dramas spin a cycling return

                         but narrative, how the meaning is

                         passed on, evolves. A cultural DNA.

               She waits for Madison to recognize her.

                                   DAUGHTER (CONT'D)

                         Perhaps I don't value highly enough

                         how difficult it is marking turf on

                         that exhausted soil where men tell

                         their stories. I apologize if I

                         hurt your feelings.


                         Oh.  It's you.


                         Your tale of self imprisonment

                         while truth, runs us in circles.

                         For me, the juice would be in the

                         out forced by the betrayed promise.


                         The out's a fight.


                         Fighting's for boys.  Look more at

                         the scar and how the tissue breaks.


                         Am I in danger of becoming the



                         That tower?  Emptied.  We're in the

                         remaking now and stand unarmored on

                         the body littered field in a tight

                         fisted shouting match over who is

                         heard.  And what gives meaning.


                         You think I'm a collaborator.


                         I think you're a good son trying to

                         make right on the wager your

                         presence is so unique it will bring



                         And you?

Perhaps because we've come to the end of brick and mortar wilderness there's growing trade in the raw resource of individual energy - that bit of eternal stashed in each of us by earth.  Energetic larceny both in the daytoday and in the explaining narratives has been going on all along, of course.  And in more brutally obvious forms of race and class and the tribe over the hill.   But at core, essential to the plot, is energetic larceny from women.

In our Male Narrative woman's journey is of token interest. We are not the Story but we are not to be let out of it.The implied meaning in our birthing bodies is life's cycling to inevitable death. We walk in the too tight slipper of appropriation, larceny's handyman, essential as story device or as a marker holding down symbols or sacrificed to move the story forward. We traverse those crazy canyons simultaneously biggerthanlife and insignificant. All the while being sucked dry, used for others not ourselves.  Energetic larceny.  And in this we participate.  We give too much.

In the evolving Narrative Otherways we do not suggest simply a "female narrative".             

This has been tried some and the meanings unearthed there add to our pathfinding but definition through oppositional thinking trends at end not to the generational but to the reactive.  Set off balance, we find ourselves treading in the victims' heavy boots. Although it's good to keep in mind this is a fighttothedeath over who controls the narrative.  The Mullahs and Deacons still prescribe stoning.